Launched the product "Golden Cordyceps" research results under a petty patent that has been licensed solely from the Agricultural Research Development Agency (Public Organization) "ARDA" by controlling culture and production to Highly effective active ingredients under standardized laboratories To forward quality products to consumers With countless benefits from golden cordyceps and krachai extract to nourish various parts of the body to be healthy and strong.
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(Dhavi) is a cosmetic product brand of BIC Chemical Co., Ltd..
Which is a research and development center for natural extracts from research that has the protection of intellectual property
That is supported by the government. And leading universities in Thailand
And a factory for producing cosmeceuticals Beauty products
And modern health supplement products under international standards
BIC Chemical Co., Ltd. pays attention to the development of cosmetic products and products.
And cosmeceuticals have natural sources, researched from upstream to downstream
To extract and separate important components Are ready to experience for
- Research
- Quality Control
- Extraction
- Assortment
- Production
- Distribution
Resulting in a quality product
Passed to the consumer until the line of our cosmetic products. Which consists of
- Dhavi Red Jasmine Rice extract
- Dhavi Black Purple Rice extract
- Dhavi Kwao Krua extract
- Dhavi Sangyod Rice extract
- Dhavi Thai silk Fibrion extract
Bic Chemical has nearly 15 years of pharmaceutical experience.
We are therefore proud to work with local farmers.
And help develop Thailand to become a world-leading natural product producer
Including cosmetics produced under the quality standards of GMP COSMETIC system, ISO
22716: 2007 with an expert research center and research development team
We strive to create and develop products and services. Our products are of the highest quality.
So we offer products with unique characteristics.
Which uses quality raw materials And there is a guarantee of product quality
Dhavi Facial Skin Care Red Jasmine Rice
Wake up beautiful skin, slow down the aging of the skin. Reduce wrinkles
And improves the smoothness of the skin
With proanthocyanidin extract from red jasmine rice
Protect your skin from aging of the skin.
Aging of the skin is the appearance of aging skin. Wrinkles, dull face
The skin lacks moisture and roughness due to internal factors: age, hormones.
And behavior of external factors: UV light, free radicals, inflammation and pollution.
From nature to research and innovation
From nature to research and innovation Natural extracts to concentrate that have been researched
Which received a petty patent for the extraction process "Red jasmine rice extract" contains
Important substances in the proanthocyanidin group Qualifying
- Slow down the aging of the skin.
- Reduce wrinkles And improves the smoothness of the skin
- Reduce the breakdown of collagen
our products